moonlight paddle

There is nothing better than paddling by moonlight, and the last 3 full moons have been SPECTACULAR!

October 15, 2016  Lake Lawtonka, OK.  Our Meetup group WF-Lawton Paddlesports hosted a Moonlight Paddle on Lake Lawtonka outside of Lawton Oklahoma. The winds blew hard all day. We gathered at Robinsons Landing for supper then began attaching glowsticks and lights onbows and sterns of each kayak, and one on each PFD. There were 13 paddlers and one ride-along…. my Cooper Dog.

We braved a short section with strong wind, we hit hard times in some shallows, we braved navigating through the rock garden (huge bolders above and beneath the surface, and paddled on to Medicine Beach by the “waterfall”  Snacks and bantering by the water, then we returned by the same route.  Happy to say we avoided the shallows on the way back.  Oh and the moon.  Gorgeous!

I had a GREAT TIME with:  Janet Rollings, Brandon Vaughn, Ruth Jones, John Cook, Joy Enos and Don Smith, Bill Coe and Peggy Coe, Mark Bindseil, Starla Drumm Ross. Laurie Vogel Pollock. Deborah Bagley, and Ruth Martin Ward and my Cooper Dog.




November 13, 2016  Lake Wichita. Wichita Falls TX   Meetup time again… but just Deborah Bagley my assistant and I went out. The sun set and the moon rise in the same sky at the same time.  BEAUTIFUL.  Winds were light. and it was just a beautiful paddle!  I always attend a GREAT WORSHIP SERVICE when I paddle under His skies.